<<DR MAURICE COLLINS speaking>> Patients frequenly send us photographs of their hair loss and these are helpful to a certain extent but we have a photographic set-up in our...



<<DR MAURICE COLLINS speaking>> When we do hair transplant the hair that his transplanted is immune to the balding process, for this reason it doesn't require any...



<<DR MAURICE COLLINS speaking>> Nobody can give you back a full head of hair. Some of our patients who have appeared in the media and among television look as if they have...
Hair Transplant Las Vegas Call: 1-888-357-0888 Dr Williams Hair Transplant Las Vegas Step One With the patient's input, Dr. Williams revisits the priorities previously discussed in the...



I often have patients ask me about hair transplantation and hair transplantation really has involved over the last 10 years. It used to be we take plugs from the back of the head and put them in the...



<<DR MAURICE COLLINS speaking>> I recently put into google hair loss treatments unbelievable or not I came up with two hundred and eightythree million sites to visit. This...



[Glenn Beck] "Listen and remember: What we're talking about is propaganda. We're not talking about the truth, we're talking about propaganda. Watch this."...
Should I Get a Hair Transplant? I've been facing the issue of hair loss since 18 years old. I'm now 21 and was just wondering if I should get a hair transplant. I will provide the...
you want to stop your hair loss and going back to its normal state right well you first step in regaining your full head of healthy natural hair is to watch what may well be the most important video...
Hair Fall After Six Months of Hair Transplant? I did my hair transplant six months ago in India. The hair growth till now was good and I still see some new hairs growing. But along with new hairs...