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In humanitarian news, Australia donates more than US$195,000 to establish a nursing station in Fiji. The funds have been contributed by the Australian Aid Program, a government initiative which...
The waka-hourua travelling to Rapanui are two weeks away from the second stopover, the island of Mangareva. A ceremony was held on the departure from Tupuai on Saturday after crews concentrated their...



aloha I'm Derek Kurisu for UH Hilo Today's news will be on this summer's special tuition rate and here's what Chancellor Donald Straney has to share with you We reduced...
4 Mile Scenic Route by TravelPod member melissagquest Beehive Ginger by TravelPod member melissagquest Blue-flowering shrub by TravelPod member melissagquest Fuschia-coloured orchid at the airport...
Row of Bungalows on Bamboo Island by TravelPod member derektrips Our Hut by TravelPod member derektrips Just a Bed and a Net by TravelPod member derektrips Water tight? by TravelPod member derektrips...



Boat ride to Koh Rong by TravelPod member richyallum Sok San Bungalows by TravelPod member richyallum One of the puppies on Koh Rong by TravelPod member richyallum My hammock by TravelPod member...
Matt on fishing trip with added light by TravelPod member haz14 Fishing sunset by TravelPod member haz14 Sihanoukville Sunset by TravelPod member haz14 Me, a book, a towel and a **** hat by TravelPod...
Our tour manager was Burto. Awesome New Zealand guy. He knows every mountain like the back of his hand. He could nearly name every snowflake for you on the mountain as well. Lots of energy, kept us...



Boat to Rabbit Island by TravelPod member ke.gypsies Rabbit Island by TravelPod member ke.gypsies $5 hut by TravelPod member ke.gypsies Rabbit Island by TravelPod member ke.gypsies Rabbit Island by...