When I was a little kid, I wanted to be, like, you know, a movie star, you know? Or, I always have interest in movie, you know? Because I like the visual aspect of the movies, et cetera.
I like a lot of classic movies, like, for example, 'Citizen Kane', James Dean movies, etc, etc.
My background is in psychology and I'm also a stage actor. That's my background.
When people sometimes misquote me, I don't know if they understand what I'm saying.
As a director, I have to feel realism from actors, and they can't be plastic.
I like acting better than anything else, but, you know, directing's good.
I'm satisfied with the way 'The Room' turned out, and I don't want to change anything.
As a director, it's my job to provoke, and when people decided 'The Room' be called a phenomenon, or whatever you call it, it's fine with me.
As a filmmaker and an actor, my job is to react towards people, but I want a reaction from them.