I'm hopeless at looking into myself and trying to see how things are working and why.
What is the society we wish to protect? Is it the society of complete surveillance for the commonwealth? Is this the wealth we seek to have in common - optimal security at the cost of maximal...
The notion that the 'leader' has the right to ask huge sacrifices of your generation for a notional future paradise - if you'd be good enough to lie down under the wheels of the juggernaut - that...
I was an awful critic. I operated on the assumption that there was an absolute scale of values against which art could be measured. I didn't trust my own subjective responses.
That I have the right to express myself freely at all times in all circumstances entails the idea that free speech is a 'basic human right' possessed by each individual, and, as such, trumps the...
Maturity is a high price to pay for growing up.
When I think of how things could have turned out, I feel as if I've dodged, not just bullets, but 6mm shells.
The idea of the state is, or should be, a very limited, prescribed idea. The state looks after the defense of the realm, and other matters - raising revenue to pay for things which are for all of us,...
We give advice by the bucket, but take it by the grain.
Responsibilities gravitate to the person who can shoulder them.