this is a very unusual experiment in which small crystals of salt are used to balance things. take an ordinary egg. try to stand it on its head. no matter how hard you try, the egg will topple over....



Boa noite! Mendigos de Azeroth. Quem são? O que comem? Como vivem? De onde vieram? Esta noite vamos entrar de cabeça no submundo nefastodo e misterioso os das pessoas que vivem unicamente para pedir...
bjbj Welcome to another episode of EricksonTV. Curtis here with Lauren. Last month I was at a conference with our co advisor Matson Money and I met a speaker, Lee Zeidman, who was the producer for 60...
So, a very important aspect of the bow is keeping your hair tilted. This also goes into bow control. Because what can happen if you don't have it tilted, it's sounding kind of like...
Hello friends and thank you for joining me. I took some time off last week for the Thanksgiving holidays and all heck broke loose, so let's get right into the news with this week's big...
{QTtext}{timescale:100}{font:Verdana}{size:20}{backColor:0,0,0} {textColor:65280,65280,65280}{width:960}{justify:center} {plain} [00:00:00.50] After Effects offers an ability called precomping....
Welcome to, My name is Ben and today I am going to be showing you the tilt scooter pegs. They are great integrated pegs which means they come with a bolt right here. They come with a...
Ray: So, what do you enjoy most about your job? And you know, composing trailer music. What aspect do you enjoy the most? Michael Nielsen: I like… Michael Nielsen: I like the freedom of it. I think...



The next question comes from Pascal's friend, Sexy Tom. Sexy Tom is playing a whole lot of poker, multi-tabling online and is wondering about how to spot the subtleties of tilt and mental...
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