One way you can check to see if your frontend is OK, see if there’s anything that’s not good, you get in the car with the key. Put the key in the ignition. Yeah, it’s going to make a little noise and...
Okay, here showing that shoulder shrug to the wrist lock again. Okay, this is a bit theoretical, it takes a lot of practice to do. But if you practice it be surprised, I pulled this off on pretty...
On behalf of Expert Village, I am Angel Perez with Champion Martial Arts in Miami, Florida. and today we will be teaching you Judo and Jujitsu submission moves. O.k., the next arm bar I'm...
Announcer: Welcome back to The David Pakman Show. David: Welcome back to The David Pakman Show. It is time, Louis, to play David Pakman Show trivia. This is game number three. I don't know...
In this clip I'm going to show you a guillotine. This is from standing. I'm just going to be grabbing the wrist again. I'm pressured down on top of his head, coming up over,...



Oh Hi, I'm Douglas Willott on behalf of Expert Village, and today we're going to talk about coordinating your shirt with your tie. Maybe you're at a point where there...
Oh Hi, I'm Douglas Willott, on behalf of Expert Village. Today we're going to talk about coordinating your shirt with your tie. If you have a shirt with a non-traditional look to it or...
Let's return to basics and see how a traditional Ninjutsu kata, Renyo no kata, can be applied in this situation. Push, change hands, grab. ok? In traditional Renyo I can do this, but right now...



Gary: Durability may actually be the number one reason somebody chooses to go to a BioThane belting over traditional nylon or leather. In the applications from equine to canine to military in regards...
Hello, and welcome to 80/20’s product highlight series. Today, we’re going to look at the double end fastener. This fastener is virtually invisible once installed, making it the perfect option for...