First Part of Golf Swing With The Bungeeclug - Golf Swing Mechanics Having a great take-away in the golf swing makes the rest of the swing come into place much easier. That is why the Bungeeclub helps...
Now e let's go over the second measure of the sixth line. It starts off third position and goes down. We have seen this exchange before. It goes to the A string and to this. Let's play...
Now, we've learned how to construct and play a Bb Flat Tonic Minor Scale on the violin, okay? Now, alright, let's look at it on staff paper. Take a look. Here's our Bb flat,...
GLORIA PENNER: On Wednesday, the California Coastal Commission gave the Point Loma Waste Water Treatment Plant another exemption from federal clean water act standards. The move means the city...
Do you know how to know if your baby is head down? The only way to be sure is if the doctor does a sonogram. The doctor can get a good impression by feeling for the head. Can I tell the baby’s...
Now we are going to go over the art of reaching. Now remember let's take a look right here and now say we are on the A string, this is an A string and we go like this, that is a reach. It is...
Now we're going to cover inboard wrist locks. There's actually two ways of getting into an inboard wrist lock from this position that is very, very relatively easy. First she throws a...



So the first third is the D and B together and there are different ways you can play this but for right now if you just want to have a basic D B to practice you are just playing your open D string...
Hi. Let's explain, I'm going to explain to you what shifting is, OKay, and how we're going to shift, OKay? I just shifted. Loose, don't tighten. When you shift...
Impact Position Using the Bungeeclub - Golfs Best Traing Aid If you want to have more power in your golf swing then the impact position is what you need to focus on. The Bungeeclub swing trainer will...