Ally, wait! Austin, what are you.. Ally, I just wanted to say... Ally, I, well... Here. Ally, I just wanted to say... Ally, I, well... Here. Ally, I just wanted to say... Ally, I, well... Here. Ally,...
Urban Street Style is raging, trending and highly sought after. Women are on the go but want to represent a style that reflects a urban edge. One that is free flowing, expresses patterns, shapes and...
Comparisons are easily done Once you've had a taste of perfection Like an apple hanging from a tree I pick the ripest one I still got the seed You said move on, where do I go? I guess second...
There is someone standing out in the distance This person appears alone Nobody should be trembling out there on their own Every girl when she is young dreams about her prince to come He arrives on a...
Fuente de mis bendiciones, ven afina el corazon, compasion que nunca cesa, ven engendra mi cancion, un soneto ensename por la senda celestial, alabanzas a tu nombre el eterno manantial. Mi voz...



visitor started you already when you intellect not only does it it dot itself was the you it alone do that but it do you think steve he and a lot just unique there buying right did he villain them and...
Subbed by Nella@greedy4cnblue Again, we are CNBLUE! Thank you! It's hot! As expected, Tokyo is hot! JS: It' s always hot, right? YH: not outside On the stage is really hot!...
[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub 2.1.9 ; Title: Default Aegisub file ScriptType: v4.00+ WrapStyle: 0 PlayResX: 640 PlayResY: 480 ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes Audio...
why isn't my webcam working?..... oh... anyway.. - clears throat- I am Going to sing a thousand years by Cristina perri.... I just have to type it in first i don't have it in memory...