
Fedayee Khadijeh, from Baba Amr neighborhood, Homs I joined the National Defense (Forces) as the main reason for me is the fact that Syria was the country of safety & security and now it this...
KOURTNEY RICHARD: Hey you, guys. Welcome to DanceTube. I'm your host, Kourtney Richard. And you know what it is. As always, we're getting you caught up with the top dance videos on...
  <i> When I was 29, I decided to kill my mother. <i/> <i> When I was 29, I decided kill my mother. <I/> <i> But do not trust...
They do not search for bomb. First of all they took off the Russian flag and hanged the flag of Ukraine. I am ready to correct the viewpoint. One of our main demands is - it is not separatism. Who...
The leading: Bandera, Shukhevich Crowd: are heroes of Ukraine! All: Bandera, Shukhevich are heroes of the nation! The leading: They were fighting for our freedom! The leading: Bandera, Shukhevich are...
// Note: Maidan fighters use the toxic gas // Obviously, "Berkut" has only the order to restrain the crowd. // Note - there are many reporters // Is this pacific protest? Does...
Making the Invisible Visible KEN SNYDER: Hello, my name is Ken Snyder of PlaceMatters, and Don and Mac have asked me to give a couple of additional examples of breaking down barriers using technology...
ballots are still up till they delicious sense as she directed along with amy rice movie called by the people the election of brocco bomber where they will with amtrak brocco bali in before the...
Hey guys welcome back to Nick the Brick I'm doing a Lego The lego movie Umm mystery pack opening So you guess what's inside which will mean age and on in the same in recent years ok...
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