hurt republicans already saying oh you know what personal obviously not a okay and they give you one step further now he has been since you a copy of course is a pic Okami but but I am liberating the...
Professor Donald Kagan: Let me remind you that the Spartans, ever since their victory in the Peloponnesian War had been attempting to extend their hegemony, at first all the way over into Asia, and...
Vitaly Naumkin, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies In my view, the interaction between Azerbaijan and the Middle East, in principle, is mainly economic. If we talk about the Middle East as...
Vitaly Naumkin, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies The South Caucasus lives in its own coordinate system, and each state is engaged in the solution to its own problems. They are very...
Welcome to Aid to the Church In Need's Where God Weeps – weekly program dedicated to the situation of the suffering Church around the world. For almost 20 years Sudan has suffered civil war -...
(Multiple voices overlapping, p) "I just never knew how to tell you." "I have loved a lot." "You want me to say it out loud?" (Long crescendo...
Svante and Climate Change Once upon a time, there was a Swedish chemist called Svante Arrenhius. Svante was clever. so clever that he received the Nobel Prize for something called the electrolytic...
A day will come when I will leave this fear behind me It will become a tree and the children will play underneath it It will be a piece of paper taken far away by the wind Skouries, Khalkidiki, Greece...



PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. In Syria, the killing continues, even though it's been taken off the front pages of the news by the Israeli...
Greek TV channels' logos rotated "No to destroying the environment. No to degrading our life." Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today's story will take us to...