NIMUE: Listen! The dragon commands! MALE SPEAKER: Dragon? DRAGON: Go forth into the world of men. And kill them all! ALICE MONAGHAN: What's happening? INNKEEPER: Listen. [INDISTINCT CHANTING]...
I'm so delighted that he's here today to share these stories with us. And without further ado, here's Ori. Meet my press agent. It's really fantastic being here. I just...
we ought to highlight interesting students inventions from time to time last week we had the stones or this time we have something straight out of mass effect take a look see there is a piece of...
Nancy Fortna: Know your records was designed to inform our staff, volunteers, researchers, and the general public on the records of the National Archives and how they can aid in historical research....
这是Oberon 坚定的如谜一样的角色 一度被认为是远古之谜的他 能够在战场上维持平衡 Oberon的能力使他能够保护他的盟友 并与此同时摧毁他的敌人 “重射”在一瞬间就给目标造成伤害 同时生成四处飘散的导弹飞向附近的敌人 这些导弹接触到附近物体会反弹并给它所击中的目标造成伤害 “圣地”在Oberon正前方放置一个致命的能量带 任何踏进这里面的敌人都会随着时间的流逝受到伤害 “回血”释放出自动寻找...
这是Nekros 灵魂的操控者 化身为巫师的Tenno 他是死亡的代理人 Nekros的技能在不知不觉中使用 将恐怖带入战场 灵魂重击”迫使敌人灵魂出窍 将它变成致命弹头 杀伤途经的一切敌人 “惊骇”释放恐惧到附近的敌人心中 使他们因害怕而四处逃窜 受伤害程度也随之增加 “亵渎”给周围已倒下的敌人尸体一个再利用的机会 它们会掉落额外的战利品 在激烈的战斗中提供特别的援助 起死回生,Tenno “亡...
Alright watch my six Got your six (Ringing Sound) Uh you hear that? What is that? Is that your phone? Oh it's my phone O.K. one second. Hello Yes Sir. Yes Sir, I'll be right there sir....
Come on Let's move! Come on Let's go! Let's Go! Alright buckle up guys I've never done this before. Whoa whoa whoa. What are you doing? Your first time flying? Flying...
Ancient: Good map Vitu: We'll see if it's gonna be good Ancient: I'll take silenced G17C for sure Ancient: Watch out, because enemies spawn in your face here Ancient:...