uh... represent a few sessions from texas is a republican has confessed to what uh... the real goal here is for the republicans he made it very curious analogy probably should not obeying he said that...
in afghanistan the said that they might deal with the moderate taliban and i had my resolutions about that as well a given the problems history and i a lot of moderation going on in the taliban...
the number prison breaks that have happened in the last two weeks worldwide is amazing the number people that have been programmed present even more amazing there was a Prison Break first in...
Today, it is an honour for me to be speaking again after a long time. Being here with such honourable people is a great moment in my life and it is an honour for me that today I am wearing a shawl of...
bjbjLULU GWEN IFILL: Gen. John Allen, the commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, told CNN the shooting was a regrettable, isolated incident that will not derail a resilient U.S.-Afghan...
(Image source: The White House) BY ELIZABETH HAGEDORN With the U.S. and Russia at odds over how best to handle NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the Obama administration maintains it won't let...
These madrassa students study the Koran for more than eight hours a day due to their passion to learn more about Islam. Most madrassas place religious study above any other type of learning. To many...



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the american people I have had enough Afghanistan to the point where they say we should before the war in the first place now look you've seen a lot of holes where they say were sick a war we...