The republic (by plato)

What we know about Socrates comes mostly from his student, Plato. Plato called Socrates "the best of all men I have ever known." Plato wrote down his teacher’s ideas in a series of...
Hi. Since we’re approaching the deadline for your first paper, I thought I’d take a few minutes to talk about what I’m expecting from you. In your unit folder you will find the document “rubrics”....
Protagoras by Plato Translated by Benjamin Jowett Part I The Protagoras, like several of the Dialogues of Plato, is put into the mouth of Socrates, who describes a conversation which had taken place...
welcome to my classroom my name is Lori Sherman and I want to share a reading and discussion strategy with which I have had much success Socratic circles this method of teaching dating back to...
(. . . ) and there is where the third level of Platonism is. Every philosophy textbook, at least until some time ago, presented Platonism as a kind of dualistic philosophy, because Plato supposedly...
I’m Andrea Radasanu and I’m teaching Political Philosophy—Introduction to Political Philosophy in the fall. It’s a course in which we talk about the grand ideas and the history of political thought....
There's no consensus to this day on what the precise nature of knowledge is; but I guess that the nearest we have to a generally accepted view is actually close to what you have just said:...
It's such a rich book, but I think, we can´t go any further in pursuing the individual strands within it. I think one must just hope that some of the people listening to the discussion will...
In those early dialogues, that still, for the moment, we are confining ourselves to, one thing what Socrates keeps saying is that he has no positive doctrine on his own to teach, ... that all he is...
And when all’s said and done and he’s still kicking, I’ll sting his face and eyes with points of logic like a swarm of wasps till there’s nothing left. SECOND CLOUD: And now these two shall make a...