know I am part populist arson in reality pardon is it in ideology no its not on ideology it is basically the I I'm a believer that you in politics they're obviously you represent your...
and president bush is my new best friend this week he called the republican senators and said: "If you let this go down the republican party will be remembered as the party of Herbert Hoover...
let typically at the end of a year uh... different websites different news organization to come out with their top ten list over there biggest blank of the year it's pretty where come out with...



We said our goal is to make Tennessee the best state in the south east for high quality jobs, and thanks to literally working in partnership with many people in this room we are making headway on...
Maybe even Christmas Day, who knows? There is a reason the Senate is on fast-forward when it gets to this time of year. It's because the Senate is broken. And the only means by which...
well have a casual setting everybody and welcome to another edition the stuff you're crazy Tea Party and who washes it's been a banner week we've got everything from...
there's just a lot of the news and hospital staff let me get a doll does it the the the coach's hours fifty billion dollars what does this mean the dow is down four hundred points in...
last night the president gave his speech what are the people who has been keeping close track on on the situation on fact is so his call tallies about showing up regularly over Democratic Underground...
cocker released this video barney frank asap representative barney frank uh... while she was talking to rachel mat out and something disasters happen in the middle of the energy of would sum things up...
jane welcome back to the answer thank you have any thank you almost in a negative so uh... first having a lot of the jane and a lot of support from both sides on saying that it's fairly clear...