I knitted you a hat all blue and gold To keep your ears warm from the Binghamton cold. It was my first one and it was too small. It didn't fit you at all, but you wore it just the same. I remember the...
Man, West Boondock, the land that time forgot. The land that the beltway by-passed. This part takes me back. Used to bowl duck pins on Boundary Avenue. I hate comin' out here. We gotta be outta our...
Woke up this morning, thinking about you, Night creeping, it's all that I could do. Talked till ___ about someone whose situation ___ then I start singing, Baby, my heart's breakin', don't cry, that's...
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How to crochet a swirl hat Half double crochet hat, spiral rounds, colour change Yarn: Caprice Big by Rellana, hook: 8 mm, markers (more info in the desciption) Magic ring Create a circle, put the...
Hi everybody! Malik, the magic guy with expertvillage.com. Now we are going to make a basic hat. This is sometimes called the basic helmet. Some people call it the classic base because later on we are...
This is a story about a brother and sister who are bored on a rainy day. There is a knock at the door and a Cat in a Hat walks in, a jovial character who is all about fun. He tells the children that...
Hi, this is Ginny with Simply Beautiful Crafts on behalf of Expert Village and we're going to make party hats. I like to call this a firecracker hat because it reminds me of a firecracker....
Now we're going to talk about the High Hat. And the High Hat sort of comprises of two parts. You have the High Hat symbols, which are two of them, and you have the High Hat stand itself....