The great mathematicians

>> BRADY: Why do so many people hate mathematics? >> Professor Frenkel: Very good question. I think there are several reasons. The problem is multi-dimensional, no pun...
even the most scrupulous of scientists who ever had to tackle the gigantic array of data contained in the Bible were basing their research on the existing chronology . The sole exception to this is a...
>> Professor Perez: Hey! This is Professor Perez from Saddleback College. Today we're going to an introduction to decimals. Now, this will be a two part presentation. Now of...
In August 1991, Alexandre Grothendieck a man widely regarded in the world of mathematics as the greatest visionary of the 20th century, with such profound intuitions and such a penetrating mind that...
OK, here are some possible applications from Descartes which may demonstrate some of the usefulness of the grid app that I've been thinking of. These are some operations on lines which...
This video is officially being translated at . Work there so we don't duplicate efforts. Thanks ....can you hear me ? Yes. I think...
Your Grace. Lord Baelish. All of these tents look the same to me. -Would you be so kind -lt would be my pleasure. lt took me weeks to learn my way around the camp. Twice l walked in on officers in...
So now we begin with our very first proposition. And it states that with any straight line you can always make a perfect equilateral triangle. So this is our given line, and remember we can start with...



Thank you for coming despite the terrible weather. In some sense it is great weather, because when it's sunny and warm you want to be outside. But in this weather, I certainly don't...