اللعنة كثير جداً الليلة الماضية كان لابد ان نكون هنا منذ ساعات مضت اهدأ يبدو ان جيمى نائماً بدون ضجة يارجل سوف توقظة انت ستقوم بضرب نفسك فى احد تلك الايام من كان يعبث بألة جيمى ؟ لا احد يعرف ما هو...



ترجمة محمود سامى www.facebook.com/Masako20113 mahmoudsamy011@yahoo.com مرحباً يا شباب , كيف الحال ؟ هل تريدون تذوق التوت البرى الخاص بى ؟ لا , نحن بخير ماذا عنك , عزيزى ؟ اذا كان هو بخير , فأنا...



ماذا بحق الجحيم ؟ سيدتى هل انتى بخير ؟ ساعدنى ارجوك يا الهى سيدتى , ماذا بحق الجحيم ؟ لماذا لم تتصلى ب 911 ؟ كيف اعرف اين هو بحق الجحيم ؟ رحلتة من استراليا اقلعت منذ ساعة ربما اخذ رحلة متأخرة ليس...



[Insects Buzzing] [Birds Calling] [Squawking] - [Wings Flapping] - [Birds Squawking] [Gags] [Gagging, Vomiting] [Retching] - Shit. Justin! - [Horn Honking] - Justin! Justin! - [Horn Honking] -...
- [Birds Chirping] - [Insects Chirping] [Jeff Gasps] This place is amazing. I mean, there have to be like a million bugs here that I've never even seen before. Yeah. Just don't tell your teacher we...
Reporter: From the national headline at Hurricane Centere and Rob, is that Iris is nearing category-2 strength. It is 625 miles east of Nassau and about 800 miles to the east-southeast of Miami right...
[Boy] Over here! Gotcha! [Grunts] Got it. [Laughs] The Rabbit Prince! [Flies Buzzing] - [Shutters Clicking] - [Man On Police Radio: Indistinct] [Siren Wailing] Thank you. I love the smell of sugar...
Hey, Twizzle. - [Meows] - Hey, Twizzle. Twizzle, what is it, girl? Huh? [Meows] [Meows] [Meows] Twizzle. Come on. Twizzle, get back here. [Meows] - Twizzle? - [Meows] Hello! Hello? I'm so sorry. My...
-- Sync, corrected by elderman -- -- for www.addic7ed.com -- [ Owl hoots ] [ Dolphins chatter ] Shh! Listen. What? Dolphin. I like dolphins. [ Rustling, wings fluttering ] [ Gasps ] What's that? An...
[Woman] I see a good-looking man entering your life. Who? I see Chicago, but I don't know why. I'm getting that in your work you can be skeptical... but in your personal life you're an open and...