She was told it was a routine hernia repair. You’ll be in and out in the same day. Would you like to learn why this routine hernia repair turned out to be a case involving a failure to diagnose...
The anesthesiologist said it would be a routine procedure. And it was, until something devastating happened. Would you like to learn what happened? Come join me as I share with you this incredible...
LEON KASS: Well, what's the scene? It's Memorial Day. He's just been put in contact with what he takes to be the sort of guiding nerve of his namesake boy uncle's life....
HOT PlE: How did he find us? -What are you doing here? -Waiting for you. How did you know we'd come this way? After all the things you have seen, this is your question? How did you kill those...



Wassup PEOPLE!! Wassup PEOPLE!! Wassup PEOPLE!! Wassup PEOPLE!! Halo Leute Wie gehts Halo Leute Wie gehts Dis here Shamari Rockca Ich heisse Shamari Rockca I wrote songs while living in Brooklyn, NY...
Hide well Your hair might show Hide well Your hair might show Pull yourselves together Otherwise, the ghost might get into your bodies It needs a body to live in Here we go What happened? - The ghost...

