Hi, this is Stephanie from Tomato's House of Rock, and I'm going to show you how to play an E-flat minor pentatonic scale. This is a really fun one, because it's actually all...
get ready everybody you wanna know why? 'cause it's the Jordan show 1,2,3 we don't take anything from anybody.. whaat? hear the sirens raise cause it's on my cu*t...
Hello, and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman. Today we're going to learn another finger power exercise. It's called stepping up and down the black keys. This one uses the same...



Hello, and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman. Today we're going to be learning a song about something delicious. Some that I like: "Chocolate". Will you sing...
Hello, and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman. Today we are going to be learning our first finger power exercise. Finger power is the name I use for anything that's an exercise to help...
Hi this is FIRE: he is Hands and I'm Mouth. This is our remix contest for making your own interpretation of our tracks that will be included in our EP that we'll release very soon in...
I had a coat of many colors Sold it off online. And now I duck my older brothers 'neath a longleaf pine. Well, I did what I thought I was supposed to do. All I sang so close to true. Now, they...
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this course gives the kids a chance to go through real-life experiences like time action calendars and get to work with people in the industry and uh... through that process they actually get...
Oh, you didn't! So many samples- all the samples Music? Yeah The dubsteps? No Drum basses? I'm taking a snippet of this whole track I made.. Traps? Drum and bass! Hip-hop!...