For the new faculty, I am Rebecca Maddox, the director of the Nursing program. There have been quite a few changes in Nursing since faculty left for the summer. At the end of the spring semester, Dr....



SB: Welcome. Hello everyone. Today Dan and I are going to be ... – let's see if we can get this presentation going... all right, all right, cool! Ha, ha ... – So, above all welcome. Today...
DR. SMITH: We’ll begin the program by our presentation. First of all, it is a great pleasure to be here. I’d like to introduce our team that has come from Florida to present our application. To my...



When I think about where we are today in this education reform effort, we're at a place I never would have predicted we could be at, five years ago, ten years ago, and twenty years ago. When I...
For a long time we've been marching off to battle. In our thundering herd we feel a lot like cattle. Like the pounding beat, our aching feet aren't easy to ignore... --Hey! Think of...
Welcome to EdTech Tuesday, I'm Jennifer Gibson. And I'm Rich Dixon. Alright, Rich, we actually have a special app today. Why don't you tell us a little bit about it?...
Welcome to EdTech Tuesday, I'm Rich Dixon. And I'm Jennifer Gibson, and today we're going to look at an app called Constructor. Now, it has two names: the name that you see on...



Life is good, I can't complain I mean I could, but no one's listening Your image overwhelms my brain And it feels good, good, good Now I'm rolling my window down I love the...



>>> Good evening. I'm Jose Cardenas. After months of negotiations, a bipartisan group of Senators introduces an immigration reform bill. We'll have a roundtable...