PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. And welcome to this week's edition of <i>The PERI Report</i>. Now joining us from...



this episode of the young texans brought to you by jack that surveillance of uh... has it you'll see wall so like she it actually massage uh... and then i i think attacked is not the proper...
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we have widely-used three now law enforcement officials who've been murdered in the last week or so we had the last couple weeks and it and at last friday and on the t_v_ show i had uh......
you’re filming you animal… so that Al-Jazeera will claim it… oh, no God forbids yeah they will have it to Daraa… to Daraa… this is the freedom you want… there’s your freedom this is freedom they...
Most of the militants have been destroyed and their resistance is gradually dropping. Tankmen finish off the remaining firing points and fortifications and infantry builds up efforts attacking the...
Horan Coordinations Union Media Section In Muslims wars, Zaid took the flag and was killed, then Jafar, then Abdullah Bin Rawaha and they were both killed. Tears flew from the Prophet's eyes...
throw to welcome back to the show brad men from brad blog dot com hey brad thanks for calling in are good here date back so we put on the schedule you working over there here you're working...
jeff flake an abundant travel has moved on in the past his poll numbers are now at thirty two percent approval minion the least popular senator innum and uh... he imbalance that any said well given...
Corospondent said:continue the Syrian army military operations on the areas and fronts the most important area Kalamoon in northern Damascus, where continue military operations in the vicinity of the...