Xperia Z Ultra - Big screen entertainment... an ultra slim, light weight design. Built with Sony’s refined BRAVIA technology, this is the world’s largest full HD smartphone display. The 6.4...
Hi Tecnonautas. The Moto X has been presented. A smartphone by Motorola and Google that has interesting characteristics. Don't you think so, Alex? Yes. Some of the characteristics are...
What does everyone have in his or her pocket? A cellular phone. But what will happen to the cell phones of the future when nanotechnologies arrive and are a part of them? A concept from...
para eliminar al patrón de desbloqueo de ZTE V791 vamos a realizar lo siguiente en primer lugar debemos de apagar el teléfono una vez que el teléfono se apague vamos a encenderlo de la siguiente...
[MUSIC PLAYING] CHRISTIE: I use my smartphone all the time, whether it's researching items in stores, or locating stores. KEVIN: It's very important to have, to comparison shop right...
Five years from now you will be able to touch through your phone. How can we make technology make us more aware? How can we use technology to make touch come to life? Within the next 5 years, the...
Mail, can I? Yes, yes Laura Robles? Yes, thanks. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning, Telephone Hope-Line. My name is Laura, I'm here to listen. I know you're there. Don't...
When we got that first unit and I could hold it in my hand, I really felt that we had a picture of the future. This is what telephones were gonna be like. Marty wants to let the world know about his...