Wedging the clay for a teapot is again just like wedging it for any other piece. The only thing I'd say about it is that you do want the clay to be a little bit firmer because you're...



There are many different kinds of teapots to make. Some of them have a lid that sits inside the pot. That's the gallery lid. This is one of my well used teapots that is probably used about...
Take my trim tool. And the little lid put that down. Press down on that lid into the foam and that will hold it nice and even. When you're trimming a lid, try not to go right to the edge. When...



We have got our lid ready to go so let's get up on it and take a look at it. Never cut off more clay than you think you're going to need and you cut at the right angle and I like to...



Before I put this handle on, and while I have that lid in there, securing that hole, I'm going to try this out because I think it should be pretty fun. I found this tube here, and what we can...



O.k., so we've thrown the form, the basic body of our tea pot and it's time to take the bat off and put it on the drying rack. But there's a couple of really important things...



Nostalgia is a dangerous drug Goes in hate and comes out love They call it sweet But I taste it tart on my tongue I will die with half of a soul Enlightened by the silence of the 4am snow And soon...



O.k., so we've thrown this cylinder here which is going to be the body of our tea pot. Now of course we can go many different directions with this. We can make all kinds of different shapes....



O.k. so to, to detach the pieces that you; you throw here on the hump it's a nice idea to take your rib and you can look down inside, and see where the bottom of your form is and you just want...



So now that we've gotten up to this point here, let’s just go and find the middle, press down. Since I'm going all the way to the wheel head, I'm not going to really use my...

