Hi. Today, we're going to do a really fun problem called geniuses and chocolates. And what this problem is exercising is your knowledge of properties of probability laws. So let me just...
>> We're going to figure out how to find the distance between two point on the plane, and from that we will discover the distance formula. So here's an example. Find the...
Hey y'all! Today I wanted to do a book review Or actually I guess it's a series of books review If you have not read the Divergent books please do not watch this video. Because I have...
The purpose of this lesson is to teach equality of decimals and place value with visual models in order to teach these concepts with understanding. Students can be shown this square with the decimal...
I've seen a number of very interesting ways to propose on YouTube. One of the most fascinating to me, recently, was the young fellow who proposed to his girlfriend using binary notation --...
So I'm curious as to what happens if I were to take a rational number and I were to add it to an irrational number. Is the resulting number going to be rational or irrational? Well, to think...
Announcer: This April, prepare for a SPEC-TAX-ULAR weekend As the IRS proudly present TAX SEASON, or better known as THE GOVERNMENT IS GONNA MAKE YOUR ASS ITS NEW HOME....... DAAAYYYY. When...
Ugh, I just can't find any results for my research! Have you tried truncating? Like, right now?...We're in the Library! Do you even know what truncating means? truncating or truncation...



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On the number line below, which point more closely represents the principal root of 43? Or you could view it as the positive square root of 43. And I encourage you to pause this video and, just...