I just can't see myself as a trophy wife. I can't imagine not having my own life.
I think it takes 30 years to build a luxury brand.
The reality is that I spent years in the factories in Italy when I first set up Jimmy Choo. Today, everyone who has a job at Jimmy Choo, I've done their job - right down to the cleaner.
A little jewellery on a man is OK, although he should never wear too much. Every man should always have a great watch.
My worst date would be with someone nervous who has nothing to say. I like people who inspire me.
I have Vie Luxe candles in every room. In 2006 I spent the month of August in Sardinia, and the scent reminds me of the wonderful time we had.
I'm always impressed by confidence, kindness and a sense of humour.
I don't really understand what the public perception of me is. I think public perception and reality are two wholly different things.
My motto is: feel the fear and do it anyway.
It's important for women to work. They need to keep their independence, to keep earning and being challenged.