我们该做第十题了 问题是,在一个班里面,如果随机 找一个同学来朗读一段话 那么这个同学是男生的几率是多少 好吧 我们应该可以假设班里面的所有人都认字 因为里面没有说他们不能 然后我们还需要假设班里面的同学 不是男生就是女生,没有那种 怎么说呢,没有第三性别的同学 下面呢 我们看看条件里面都说了什么 我们需要知道的其实就是 男生在班里面的比例是多少 认不认字都没什么关系,只是知道随机挑出来的同学 是...



Problem 51. Actually, let me scroll all the way up, problem 51. They drew a little triangle here, which I assume I need, so I'll draw it as well. That side is flat and that side goes down like...



We're on 121. It says, if x/2 is equal to 3/y, is x less than y? So this is essentially saying that x times y is equal to 6. I just cross multiplied. Or you could do that step by step....



我们看116题 问 (a+b)^2的值等于多少?表述一 表述一告诉我们 a乘以b等于0 这看起来好像没用 我们看看 如果把它展开会怎么样 它等于a^2+2ab+b^2 它们是一样的 只是把(a+b)^2展开了 因此 表述一告诉我们一部分 它告诉我们 这边这一项 等于0 如果ab等于0的 这一项要等于0 但我们还是不知道a^2+b^2等于多少 因此 表述一单独用处不大 表述二(a-b)^2=36 这...



Hey Guys, Raghu from Happy Schools Blog. I have a Question from Anil Kumar. How do I register for GRE and TOEFL without Surname in the Passport. This is one of Frequently Asked questions in the Blog....
In this video, we are going to look at how to install Livescribe Desktop and setup your smartpen. We are going to begin by opening your browser and visiting Livescribe.com. At the bottom of the page...
If you need to create a survey, there are free online tools that can help you create survey questions, collect answers, and even analyze the results for you. Let's use Survey Money as an...



---- But there's Gimp specific brushes out there too. These are different charcoal brushes, plain brushes, more artsy brushes. And then, here you have controls, you can change the opacity of...
Welcome to this training video on how to share your video assessment using an iPad or iPhone via YouTube. You will need to set up a YouTube account prior to uploading your video. YouTube recommends...