I'm Candi Cane Canncel with Expert Village. So the next step is to cut out your pattern. One thing to consider when making your own pattern is definitely have your own scissors that are just...
Hi! I'm Karen for Expert Village. Let's start our mending with learning how to thread and knot a needle for hand sewing. I have 2 threads here; I'll show you. The first thing...
Hi! My name is Janie Yasko-Mangum and I am with Successful Style and Image. Today on Expert Village we are going to talk about belts. Every man has to own a belt. But there are two belts that I...
Hi, I'm Robin with truesmom.com making a video for Expert Village today on how to add jewels to your tee-shirts and sweatshirts to embellish them. And I'm going to talk a little bit...
Here we have what is technically called a petal sleeve. Like petal, flower petal. Personally I think it makes me think of like Tinkerbell, so I can't get petal right in my head. I think of,...
I hate rust stains! Did you try Dr. Beckmann Stain Devil No. 9? It's specially formulated to remove rust and perspiration stains. WaitÉ Perspiration? That's a weird combination. Most...