Tons of new X & Y info including new types, new Pokemon, new gym leaders, and more! Hey guys, Jess here, adn this is the Pokemon Update from Curse and Marriland! First up, the August issue of...
Hey everybody, it's me Pokeguy s... I'm gonna talk about types Different types of pokemon There are many different types of pokemon There are fire types and... wet types and veg......
what's going on here as money is the post box and i don't know what to make this kind of video but in this video i wanted to tell command d new mutual forms the legendary musical reyaz...
TONS of new X and Y info, news about the Plasma Blast TCG set, and more! Hey guys, I'm Jess, and this is the Pokemon update, brought to you by Curse and Marriland! First up, Nintendo's...
Alright guys, Pocket miner here I'm going to show you how to find your PSS Friend code! And is one of my most requested videos. And this is how you get your friends PSS Code. I'm...
Hey guyz! Welcome to Love Para 93 (wtf am I saying, it's Love Channel 96!) So! Hum! We're going to the Pokemon thing, we have no idea of what's it's suppose to be...
At their E3 2013 Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announced Pokemon X & Y's release date, as well as a new Pokemon type. The games will include a new Fairy Pokemon type, the 18th type of...
Nintendo recently released a new trailer in Japan for Pokémon X and Y , and while there aren't a ton of new things to be found in it, that's not going to stop us from starting up the...
Nintendo unleashed a torrent of new information on Pokémon X and Y both during and after E3 , and though we're still recovering from the show, we can't help but unleash the Analysis...