COMM: Welcome to the world of the Wildcatz - a new form of all-female fighting taking Britain by storm. Genuine battles see girls wrestling each other to the floor, as well as pulling hair and...
START COMM: The family are now travelling on the 28 hour train journey to Delhi, on the hope that the specialists can operate on Lalit's tumour. COMM: Delhi is a world part from the village...
Chitimba beach camp by TravelPod member franso Lake Malawi by TravelPod member franso Lake Malawi by TravelPod member franso Pig roast in Chitimba by TravelPod member franso Pig roast by TravelPod...
Essentially in my lecture, what I'm trying to highlight is that there is a vast iceberg of diabetic foot disease out there and that very many of the diabetic foot complications very rarely...



00:03 COMM: Not everyone's lucky in love, but this man is determined to find the perfect and wealthy partner. 00:10 Robert: My name is Robert Darling and I'm looking for a wealthy lady...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg932\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1041{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx7020\f0\fs20 The foot and ankle center of Egg...
I was so tired of staying at home and dreaming about all the things in could accomplish if it weren't for my painful tight tired achy legs. Vein disease signs like varicose veins and spider...
Sylvia: Pam some people experience more swelling or firmness in their lower leg. Is there anything they can do to soften this area? Pam: Yes there is. You can do some very gentle kneading. What you...
Welcome to the Docpods Podiatrists Review and today we'll be talking about pronation and overpronation and how this looks in a clinical situation. Pronation or overpronation is generally...

