I've got to go out I won't be late You've got to put your trust in me I swear I shall not forsake Hey little darling, I won't be late Oh pretty baby, don't you lie awake I'll give you love when I get...
Said I don't make much money For me it's suffice But for one good friend I'd give it up twice But strange looks come easy when giving I've found Age old suspicion is so hard Age old suspicion is so...
I beg your pardon. Was that your leg? I had no idea we were going into a tunnel. I thought the compartment was empty. I'm so sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you. Awful man in the next compartment smoking...



Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]



Oh, crap. You gotta be killing me. Hello? I'm from next door. I locked myself out. Uh, I just need you to call the front desk. Hello? Holy Mother of God. NCIS Season 4 Episode 12 Suspicion (NoTV)...



[Rick] Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Why do men always sound like they're having sex when they watch sports? - Yes! Stuffed it in there! - [Lily] Slap shot. - Come here. - Stop...
Wow, Joffrey sure is getting big. Big or fat? I say fat, but Michael says big. Either way, it's a problem. Michael? Oh, I've been seeing a guy from yoga class for the past couple weeks. We're actually...



Previously on "Revenge" Daddy! (Emily) when I was a child, my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit. Daddy! Amanda! We need to get our stories straight in case her memory does...



Cheers is filmed before a live studio audience. Woody, let me have a C. C. , rocks Something with a twist and whatever else table ten was drinking. Boy, your batteries are running low there, Carla. I...



Previously on Stargate Atlantis... Major Sheppard, who are all these people? I am Teyla Emmagan, Daughter of Tagan. If the Wraith haven't touched your world, you should go back. We'd like to, but we...