For 2010, we came out with the Byerly Hazard Surfer. Butch has been shaping surfboards forever and this is his first board that he actually shaped for behind the boat. It's one of the best...



ROBIN KEGEL: It was intended to be kind of a retail location. And my whole idea was to live at my retail location. But then I realized how weird that gets when like moms come by to buy their little...
Japan has the world's largest unreached, surfing population with over 1.5 million surfers in a population that is only 0.1% Christian. The European surf industry turned over 1 billion dollars,...
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him don't passing game leaders businesses within a quiet gated community in the last last hours National Park playground is a series destination for family vacation etc surfers anyone in...
My job was spotting tuna on a purse seiner... Herding the fish into the nets, blocking nets... ...and that pretty much covers it I think. Using the FADs was part of their every day routine. Sometimes...
Bob Steneck, Professor of Marine Sciences: "One way to think about ocean acidification is like thinking about carbon monoxide in our homes. It's tasteless, it's odorless, but...