<i>Yellow Oaker: The Town with No Greenery or Flowers How desolate. All the trees are dead. That's not true. Here, take a look. On some part of the soil, things have settled down...
Dad... <i>Goodbye to the endless <br>journey and Blink What does this mean? Kakeru's dad is uncle Gross? I can't solve this! Kakeru... Kakeru-kun......
<i>Crash! Moss Green Car Race</i> Brother, I can't catch a thing. Who said that there are tons of fish to catch in the Sea of Moss Green? This is weird. There used...
<i> "Find the key of truth! The remains of Dark Purple Lake" Kakeru-kun. Hey, Tanba, where are <br>we heading to? Hey! To the Castle of Darkness,...
"The city of the three primary colors" Ah...eyes hurt! Kakeru! Dad... Kakeru! - D-Dad... <br>- You're hallucinating from stress. I was one step...
<i>Revive! The Hotaru Butterflies<br> of Scarlet River We're going through dimensional tunnel! Hotaru Butterfly! Hotaru Butterfly? This butterfly might sell for...
<i>The Tempting Island: Cobalt Gosh, it's super foggy. Oops, I'm totally lost. Where in the world am I? What's wrong with this town? <br>There...
<i>"Enemy or friend? <br>The detective of Orange Stone" Let me go! Let me go! This is the one. Dimensional detective, Frisby, who tried to help Shiki...
<i>"The Strongest Soldier: Black Warrior" Until where does this desert continue? I don't see the Dark Castle at all.. I need water more than I need the Dark...
唐津市浜玉町の山あいにある平原小学校鳥巣分校で24日、一足早く2学期が始まりました。 鳥巣分校は、佐賀県内で最も早く2学期が始まります。 この日は、久しぶりに制服を着た全児童15人が、夏休みの宿題を抱えて元気よく登校しました。 始業式では、一輪車を手にした原善孝校長が「2学期は全員が乗れるよう力を合わせて頑張ってください」と話しました。...

