Dae Beleza? Eu sou o Velberan e estou aqui com o décimo segundo Underplay, quadro do canal onde eu mostro jogos pouco conhecidos seguindo as indicações de vocês. E dessa vez vamos ver Shatterhand,...



Solta a Batida aí "cumpadi! Epic Win!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Epic Win!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Epic Win!!! Ha ha ha haaaa!!! Solta a Batida aí "cumpadi! Epic Win!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Epic Win!!! Ha...



Vocé é mesmo salvo? Agora a sua vida é ideal? Você fez da sua casa sua prisão? E quanto às nossas instruções?* Deus te deu tanto Você estende a mãe aos que se perderam? Você passa por eles sem se...



I know the trick this week was really silly but we'll have something better next week well, I have something to say, and it might be interesting I don't know if you have heard of...
Hey guys, today we are going to pretend that were talking to people but actually were on our phones And today the have the special apearence of Victor Pillon!! No lets record somewhere else man! It...



Groupon Brasil hired five experts in different fields of research, like origami and handmade production of smoked cured meat to develop innovative solutions to bring a less boring and more efficient...
Translated by Marcelo Supertramp Synced by Marcelo Supertramp So ... To do the Chestbounce, I think it will be easier if you try it outside the line in first place Try it with both sides, lock your...
Hey guys, today we are here to play spin the bottle, and this game is like, we will spin the bottle, and who stays in the top of bottle is the one that will take a paper and do a challenge, and this...
Hey guys, today I will do something different. I will try to do a prank with Pakita, already she did this things with us, now it's our time to do with she. These days on the you tube I saw a...
Good morning, wake up An exciting ☆ morning My bangs, my bangs, my straight bangs, cutie style A straight line will win the first prize after all, this is really cool! Is today's lip gloss...