When you were young, did your parents pound into your head the importance of personal notes? I'm Denise O'Berry and you're watching the "Little Big Show."...
Lund University in Sweden collaborates with the University of Dhaka but the University of Dhaka doesn't know much about the disability field in terms of knowing where people are so we can ask...
2 3 in staat om saldi te doen met jezelf, de mogelijkheid om nemen deze zogenaamde mind technologie met je overal mee naar toe en niet te afhangen van iets extern aan u, elke vorm van mechanica voor...
La differenza nella mia esperienza personale, la prima che mi viene in mente è che sono un non italiano che vive in Italia quindi anche se io sto normalmente molto bene e ho una vita piacevole e sono...



Credo che la differenza esista nella vita di ognuno. Esistono differenze intellettuali, sociali, etniche, di opinioni ecc. Queste differenze andrebbero diminuite perchè solo così potremmo ridurre i...



Le differenze esistono è un dato di fatto, ma non ostacolano la mia vita. Faccio praticamente tutto come una persona che non ha disabilità. Forse se non fossi stato disabile avrei giocato a calcio o...



the peace of mind that comes to us by being prepared is so freeing i mean we have properties we have a a business we have a lot of things that we've worked very hard for and the peace of mind...
Bhajahū re mana śrī-nanda-nandana-abhaya caraṇāravinda re. This is a song sung by Govinda dāsa, poet Govinda dāsa. He's addressing his mind, because, after all, we have to work with the...
Hypnosis is a method by which we can alter our state of awareness, allowing us to focus upon issues or ideas of our choosing. Hypnosis is a tool, which we can utilize to enhance or enable whatever we...