Dining room of the Quinta by TravelPod member liamok Statue of Bolivar in the garden of the Quinta by TravelPod member liamok The view up from the funicular by TravelPod member liamok At the top of...
Studying abroad in Spain gave me a really amazing opportunity to travel all across Europe. The CCIS program included many field trips, some of which were just day trips, but some were a whole weekend...
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My name's Elisa Watson. I am 4A Science and Business, and I went to Dauphine, which is a business university in Paris, France. So, originally, I had to apply to the Faculty of Science to get...
I went to study abroad in Troyes. It's two hours away from Paris. It made me realize that engineering is universal. Like, you can take any engineering class in any country and still you can...



My name is Angelyn Irvin, and I am studying abroad in Paris, France. In the eighth grade, my middle school got French class for the first time. And I'd studied Spanish in the 6th and 7th grade...
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This relationship is with the College of Business and with the Department of Marketing and the Bosch Power Tool Division. Essentially, we’re going to be promoting the Powerbox 360 to the NIU...
Good afternoon. Magdalena Borkowska, Kingston News. Recent surveys have discovered that the number of Kingston University students that decide to go and participate in an exchange programme during...
business or vacation travel plans call fly away travel of roseburg travel agent has been setting douglas county0:00:08.980,0:00:12.950 without well traveled south and highly experienced consultants...