JOURNEY OF NO RETURN LAST STOP FRANKFURT AIRPORT BASED ON A TRUE STORY - Hallo! Hallo! For how long do I have to keep waiting like this? The plane will take off in about 3 hours. I cannot lie like...
It's coming down the wire in North Carolina. Meanwhile Denver Republicans vote to support civil unions, we'll get a vote this week on ending marriage equality in New Hampshire, and...
When the first time I signed my contract I read everything, like how much my salary would be the contract said my salary was HKD 3500 my employer asked me to sign on a paper, writing down my salary...
Our meeting is devoted to another anniversary of deportation of peoples from the Caucasus, Baltic region and other territories of the Soviet state. Any historian, who deals with the Second World War,...
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and i think this is very very sadly i think it's tragic retired where senator that's it and think about what happened in in time to think about that the other cars in the streets of...
Interviewer: And the thing I really want to ask you is, what advice would you give to young activists who are organizing today? Jean: Yeah well I don't know if I have that much advice. I...
Dear Jane, I don't understand what is happening to me here in detention. No one will tell me when they will let me out. When I arrived in the UK looking for asylum I thought nothing worse than...
Highlights of the news today Wednesday 16th January The Ugly Face of UKIP: Britain to be inundated with Romanians and Bulgarians. Widow Leaves £100,000 to Pet Charity who then kill her dog!...
Hi, I’m Immigration attorney Heather Poole. I am speaking to you today about Reinstatement of Removal. Always consult a competent, licensed immigration attorney before filing for any relief and if...