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when taking any photograph you need to think about the light and the composition of the shot as a rule bright clear days are better than grey ones and to get the best view it's worth spending...
I signed up with SnapMarket because I was looking for a place to sell my photos where the commissions were higher than the others and it was completely free to sign up with SnapMarket and I was really...
Hi, I'm Rebecca Guenther with www.m5a1photography.com and I'm going to talk to you about how to make money with photography. There are many different things that you can do in...
Hi there, my name is Kirby Ferguson and I made an online video series called Everything is a Remix, which it's possible you may have seen. If not, go check it out. I'm going to be...
Hello Friends, Today we will learn how to bulk reduce the size of photos in a folder. i.e. Suppose you have taken hundreds of photos using your digital camera or the digital SLR and you wish to email...
A study analyses the search for information in stock photography agencies. Why is it so interesting to analyse the search systems of stock photography agencies? These tools have many interesting...



Hi everyone, welcome to the channel Today's video will be very short Just to answer some questions about castings Can anyone be a commercial model? Yes, The market needs all kinds of people...
Alright you're watching a figmint video tutorial and I'm Frisby and this tutorial I'm going to show you about layer modes in Photoshop they're a really awesome, cool...



malaysia sapa and that's all the parties i know uh... i was here in august and that the e-commerce brazil was good enough to bring me back uh... today i'd like to talk to you about...