I had more fun making Traffic than either of the Ocean's films.
To me the director's job is to leave it in better shape than you found it, literally.
I like to make all kinds of movies. I'd do 'Ocean's Thirteen' with the right script.
I don't consider myself to be particularly gifted in the way that other filmmakers are gifted.
I know why we can't have a frank discussion with our policymakers - if you're in the government or in law enforcement you cannot acknowledge that drugs are anything but inherently evil and morally...
Lying is like alcoholism. You are always recovering.
There are three major social issues that this country is struggling with: education, poverty, and drugs. Two of them we talk about, and one of them we don't.
When you're sent something and read it, either you can see it while you read it, or you can't.
The key is, if you're not monkeying around with the script, then everything usually goes pretty well.