I don't believe an Alliance government should sponsor legislation on abortion or a referendum on abortion.
Canada is in budgetary deficit now only because of the recession, only because of stimulus measures, and we will come out of it. We will go back into surplus position when the economy recovers. So...
The world is now unipolar and contains o-nly o-ne superpower. Canada shares a continent with that superpower.
It's the government's obligation to look really to the third parties to get the support to govern.
I don't get into that second guessing of myself publicly.
What the government has to do, if it wants to govern for any length of time, is it must appeal primarily to the third parties in the House of Commons to get them to support it.
Canada remains alienated from its allies, shut out of the reconstruction process to some degree, unable to influence events. There is no upside to the position Canada took.
My own views on abortion, I'm not on either pole of that and neither of the interest groups on either end of this issue would probably be comfortable with my views.
I think in Atlantic Canada, because of what happened in the decades following Confederation, there is a culture of defeat that we have to overcome.
I think the way to change it is to handle issues individually when it's essential to do so.