Under the Bush administration, there was incredible denial-ism in terms of what was going on. And under the Bush administration, there were incredible problems in terms of, for example, access to...
See . . . what human rights did was it gave us language. That was the biggest advantage we had, we did not have language [about] how to explain. When you are especially working with sex workers, when...
You know I'm . . . as a person, and as an activist 25 years ago, and as a member of Swiss Administration, but especially as a human being and as a part of my society, I really stick to human...
We certainly can say that restricting access to sterile injecting equipment is a human rights violation and has been recognised as such in the Declaration of Commitment that all UN member states...
In Greece recently, there was a person who lost his job because his HIV status was made known to his job. His employer fired him and argued in court that the reason why they were forced to do it was...
The protection of human rights is the way to protect the public’s health, because it solves a huge public health need, especially in the context of HIV, where there is stigma, where there is...