Sup I'm Stas Davidov! And the nickname of the person who sent us the next vid is evemayfooltrix. Guess what a black guy who couldn't steal a car does? [unbelievable 0_0] That's...
Sup, I'm Ruslan Usachev... I mean Stas Davidov! Anyhow, first vid was sent by WIZARDDDD4444. [Warning!] If you're a goose, I advice you to skip forward. Coz what you're about...
Sup, I'm Stas Davidov! Today is 52 years since the creation of first artificial kidney Another reason to drink And here's the first vid sent by johny ulitin So imagine, Nizhny Tagil,...
Sup I’m Stas Davidov! This video is called “What are they doing??” [What are they doing??] And really, WHAT ARE THEY DOING? [What are they doing??] [BAAM!!] Fursenko, look what you’ve done to the...



Sup, I'm Stas Davidov! And today I look like that to protest against US SOPA and PIPA bills! [Google SOPA and PIPA] And this is no joke! [tis very serious!] If the bill gets through, TiX may...
Sup, I'm Stas Davidov! And this is an episode one two three. I pissed on a tree! [facepalm.jpg] Many underestimate drummers. Too bad, they're as cute as kitties. The band that plays...
Sup, I'm Stas Davidov! And welcome to the 300 series of TiX. Here's the first vid, sent by dietrich. And it's about these 2 guys who took these balls to the gallery. I LOVE...
Sup, I'm Stas Davidov. Today's vids are all gonna be about animals. I'm sorry, dear asian porno lovers. Because internet people prefer animal videos or videos of people getting...
Sup, I’m Stas Davidov! First vid was sent by Semensabaka. And we like to thank people who mess around with Car DVR Black Box for this video [Car Digital Video Recorder FTW] Woman: (on the phone)...
Sup, I'm Stas Davidov. Stas, there's this vid! Sent by Sandora97 it has 1 mill views in a week and it's about someone getting hurt! ... Someone getting hurt with 20th Century...