Good morning. Thank you very much Dr. Tushmit. This morning I'm going to briefly showcase for you three new Connected Health Initiatives from the Preventive Care Program in my office. These...
The Royal City Hotel offers all comforts and facilities that contribute to make your stay in Phuket the most enjoyable one. Located in the delightful capital of the sunny island of Phuket. Royal City...
NARRATOR: Are immunizations only for children? DR. SUN: No. Immunizations are for all people pretty much. There is the standard set of childhood immunizations, but all people should, for example...
拖板 每個家庭都會用得着 A power strip can be found in most homes, 但有無諗過如果屋企用咗唔合乎安全規格嘅拖板 but the results of using one that does not meet safety standards 隨時拖出禍! can be a hazard to you and your family! 權威機構測試發現...
This is probably the first presentation I've made of this nature because the majority of my work surrounds the Zeitgeist Movement or things that are related to my film series but I've...
hello guys Im opening 3 packs of match attax lets get stuck in! th video on the field in a three-part stuffed come 1p not demand a full and Jack Welch on pantech a pack and Jack Wilshere and another...
>>Randy: Hello my name is Randy Ritzenthaler with R Squared Renovations. I'm a general contractor in Dallas. Texas. Today I'd like to talk about the benefits of a...
Welcome to lecture 32. So today I will briefly go through what I did the last time and pick up from there on the simply typed lambda calculus. We just looked at what's wrong with the untyped...
Welcome to IBBME's focalpoint where each episode we highlight research at Institute Biomaterials & Biomedical Engineering here at the University of Toronto... Hi I'm...