CATHARINA: I'm Catharina Boutari, and in the play I am the lead role, ''Puder''. [ie. powder] ''Puder'' has been my stage name...
(static sound) (machine sound) Peter: Ballet, by it's very nature, is a very competitive art form. There's a lot of factors that play into a successful dancer's career. Some of...
(train passing) (music playing) Voiceover: When a male dancer is paired with a ballerina, he can support, stabilize, lift, and turn her, allowing the partner to perform feats she could never do alone....
(upbeat music) Voiceover: Most people think of ballet as a ballerina dancing on point in a tutu. But male dancers are an equally important part of every ballet company. (energetic music) Chase: People...
(busy room) Voiceover: To thrive in a career with the New York City Ballet dancers often choose to forego relationships, a social life, and a traditional education in order to pursue their passion...
(rock music) (heavy breathing) (somber music) Voiceover: A professional ballet dancer's job is extremely physically demanding and much like professional athletes, a serious injury cannot only...
At Childsplay, I had the opportunity to direct a play called "Eric and Elliot". The show dealt with teenage depression and suicide and was actually created by our ensemble members at...
(static sound) (music) Silas: This is a moment that I've been building towards since I was nine years old. Claire: I have a meeting today with Rosemary and Peter Silas: Find out whether or not...
I'm Ashley Corebett-Collins and I studied BSc Film Production Technology My decision for what university was between this and Central Lancashire I chose this one because of the lecturers and...