<Marc Savard>: All of you on stage you're going to realize on the count of 3 that you are all professional Playboy models. You are Playboy models and you're here for a...
All the fellas on stage, you're going to realize on the count of 3 that you are all professional porn stars auditioning for a porn movie. You got the best porn moves in the business. Every...
The fourth time will be a charm for either Thailand or Singapore as they kick off the Suzuki Cup final on Wednesday (19th December). Both nations have won the championship of Southeast Asia three...
With a crowbar. Now if Titan Quest is all Greek to you, don't worry, we've got the cheats to help you make some sense of >> KstinI li to mbinmy Eartmasty wi theowerf...
This may look like just another SpaceX launch, but nothing could be further from the truth. Because this isn't a Falcon 9. It's a Falcon 9 v1.1 - 60% larger, much of which is taken up...
Whoa. Now you can see at the junction here she'll just stand quiet. The other thing she was doing when a car comes past and she couldn't hear another vehicle she'd walk off!...
EMIL LAMPRECHT: We're going to talk about under leg throws. Now, as I mentioned in the introduction of body throws clip, this is going to be a little different with balls--than with balls....



So now that we've learned our basic pattern for juggling clubs, we can do a double spin, and we're going to get ready to do under the leg. This is a lot harder, and it takes a lot more...
CHAPTER 35. DEPRESSION As soon as I could recover my presence of mind, which quite deserted me in the first overpowering shock of my aunt's intelligence, I proposed to Mr. Dick to come round...
Bomm bomm bomm bomm bomm Sex and disability are two words that you don't often hear together and if you do it's like (gasp!) those people? have sex? Most artists with disabilities have...