(Wright) Now what I have here is called an EVA wipe. EVA stands for extravehicular activity. Let me open this up. EVA is when an astronaut will go out and do a spacewalk. In this particular case, an...



It turns out that because of my activities I deal with engineers   probably more than any other type of discipline   not only within the Agency   but within the inter-agency the U.S. government   and...
Woman: I love space technology. But even kids know to clean up their toys when they're done playing. So why can't space agencies show the same courtesy? In the past 50 years engineers...



There was drama in space today... The debris from a former Russian satellite were on collision course with the Danish Orsted satellite The former Russian satellite is today an orbiting junk yard with...



>>Narrator Kara Doles, University of Hawaii at Manoa student: The University of Hawaii Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site on Maui and the Mauna Kea Observatories on the island of...



CNN STUDENT NEWS starts right now. I`m Carl Azuz. Time for "The Shoutout." Which of these events occurred in 1957? If you think you know it, shout it out! Was it when the first...



In September of 2012, two Russian Astronomers discovered an object, previously unseen, moving against the background of stars. Over the next few days, this object was proposed to be a comet, heading...
Good afternoon, dear friends. I'm happy to greet you here today on this amazing event dedicated to the outer space, and I'd like to talk to you about the role of information...



Look! Up in the sky! It's a falling star! Or is it? If you've ever seen a bright glow streaking through the sky at night, you probably have already guessed: It's not an actual...
At the beginning of the space age there were, of course, no manned made objects in orbit about the earth, but today the United States space surveillance network is tracking over 20,000 large objects...

