Hey guys, it's Raptor. Um... As many have you probably have noticed, I haven't uploaded something in... a while. In fact, uh... the most recent video was way back in October, and it is...
SANTOS FC - U-20 Good morning! Good morning, Clayton. Hey there! Let's go, let's go! What's up? Hey there. What's up? What's going on, Clayton? That's...
We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! We are the champions! Tygalla! God is guiding...
Hey there! God willing, we'll win the title today, one more title to our fans. Let's win our second title in a row! - Film over here! - Look at the camera. This is the miraculous one!...
Hey guys wintergore here, thought I'd create a quick video to let you guys know what I've got planned for the channel this week, as you know from my earlier video I attended the...
Hi and welcome to AC News! Here’s today’s video clip, movie news are coming up! Walt Disney Pictures always has genial ideas for kid animation and this is the time they took something that already...
- You seem like a strange guy. Where do you come from? - The ocean. He comes from the ocean! - Don't we all do? - Once I found out when I was going to die. - It was on a note. The date! The...
'All characters in this movie are fictitious and bear no resemblance to anyone, living or dead' Move it Move aside Go that side! Move it Sir, crowd is pretty large If the press...
Trying to keep myself afloat upon this stream But a thought is pulling me down Pulling me all the way down We are wandering towards a blank infinity And extinguishing will now be the only way To...

