I think college towns and university towns have a a certain sense and vitality. I think it's a great idea, fantastic! To have folks here and our kids be able to grow up here and then go to...
>>Julie: I'm Julie Westcurkin from The Author's Team in Santa Monica. Today we are very excited to welcome The Beer Chicks: Christina Perozzi, and Hallie Beaune....
Hi, I�m Mac Danzig for PETA Am I as better a fighter am I as a better fighter; I think my record speaks for itself. I won twelve fights straight after I became vegan. I just don�t understand how...
I'm Gillian Wesley, welcome to the Local Traveler. We're in New Hampshire, exploring craft beer, and today we're at Milly's Tavern. Milly's Tavern is a craft...
So when you come to Food Science, we have three options within our degree program. We have a traditional food science and technology option that students can choose. About thirty percent of our...
Hi, I'm Daniel Sharp and I am a graduate research assistant in Doctor Shellhammer's lab at Oregon State University, and today I'm going to be showing you a new proposed method...
Allison: Hey, guys! Abby: Hey, everybody! Allison: It’s Allison… Abby: And Abby. How’s it going? Allison: Sorry we’ve been a little MIA these past few weeks/months. Abby: However, we’ve been working...
[electronic music] >>Ian: Are we unmuted? OK. Now we are. Good afternoon. OK, welcome to--. >>Dan: Oh, sorry. [laughs] >>Ian: Welcome to the Friday Review of...



[ Music ] Welcome to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Circle of Life. The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is one of my favorite places in the world. I was introduced to the area by my good friend, Alan...
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