See I got a smile on my face I´m Surrounded by Happiness It is Jesus Christ That has made me Special Hallelujah can say I´m blessed Is not by might nor By Power It's the Blood of Jesus That...



It's no good! The earth is breaking up! Gohan... Are you...? Sorry, Goku. That was the best I could do. I'm sorry. Gohan-san! Gohan-chan can't die! My baby is never going to...
Time overflows. O Messiah O Messiahs. YUDULIYA-VELE. YUDULIYA-VELE. YUDULIYA-VELE. YUDULIYA IYALIYA. Ah, drawing fathomless terror. Ah, evil spirits come near. I won't lose The eyes that...
Listen take good care of your mother Huh? Take care of mom? you can do that too right ? You can take care of mom too can't you dad? why would you say that dad, why you would tell me take care...
Whatever Lola wants Lola gets And little man little Lola wants you Make up your mind to have no regrets Recline yourself, resign yourself you're through I always get what I aim for And your...
-It's too early for me to say, but I think that they are showing great promise. If they get themselves in gear, they'll be ready for the World Martial Arts Tournament. -This is gonna...



Come along, fantasy, I enjoy a mystery, Don't you go hiding your youth! Wanting to perform the mysterious, Wanting to pursue the adventure, Everyone is itching to go! If you act like an adult...
JFIF Exif $.' ",# (7),01444 '9=82<.342 !22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz...
Lost in the dream Finally it seems Emptiness and everlasting madness See the sadness grow Watching as we know Blinded for our journey for the world Call for us The power in all of us So far beyond the...