The Getting of Wisdom by Henry Handel Richardson DEDICATION: TO MY UNNAMED LITTLE COLLABORATOR: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding....
A long, long, time ago... 1904 to be exact, the Macomb Public Library opened their doors. Today, more than 100 years later, they want to update and expand and they're asking for your help....
Hello, my name is Stephanie Florman. I'm a professional coach and a relationship expert who is really passionate about keeping the work fun, keeping it real and keeping it relevant. Now I got...
Mao scares everyone for a reason: he's an extremely clever and merciless player So I tried my best with Honda, which was equal to being able to do nothing For sure Mao's on another...
Hi. I'm Mary Westphal. I'm the Execuive Director of the Northwest Ohio Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and we are so thankful to the Chuck Boyk Challenge for launching this...
I had the most amazing experience here when I had my eye surgery. Before that I was quite conscious of, sorry, my puffier eyes and all those fat around my eyes. But since I had the recovery and after...
Happy Birthday, Appacha and Ammachi! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, Ammachi and Appacha! [Singing] Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Appacha and Ammachi, Happy...
Hi, I'm Dr. Frank Lista here at The Plastic Surgery Clinic and it's just after Christmas, January 2014. And I'm sitting at my desk and all of this stuff is presents from...
>> ANCHOR: Scientists from RIT are capturing unique images of the Haiti disaster in an effort to aid in crisis management and the eventual reconstruction of the country. Funded by the...