"Macomb High School, you may now take the floor." "Macomb High School, you may now take the floor." "Macomb High School, you may now take the...
Welcome in India! Its now 2 AM and I arrived with one hour delay. My flight was good, I slept enough and also ate enough. I had to rush to my gate, so i had a very fast farewell with my family and...
God, this is fun. It's so important to entertain. It's what keeps you young. It's why my parents look so old and decrepit. It's because they never have anybody over. I...
Hey everybody, it's me! Peter! Okay, so. Here's what's up. Okay, so yesterday I recorded a video on the topic of YouTube. But it ended up being about 25 minutes long, and...
LeapFrog Presents: SpongeBob SquarePants Best Day Ever! An Ultra ebook. Spend the best day ever with SpongeBob and friends! His perfect day doesn't turn out as expected but use your reading...
So excited right now because we are finally making our way over to Petra Bedouin style. As you can see we're going be to riding in the back of a pickup truck for about an hour and a half....
Limitless profits introduction - internet marketing the scams distressed the setbacks i've heard it all before and had experienced the worst of the worst trying to make a dying with no they...